The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
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Sunday, January 02, 2005

Happy New Year!

Hi all! Hope everyone's holidays were relaxing, fun and filled with family and friends! Our first Christmas with Emery was great. It was the first time that Adam and I hadn't gone back to Boise in years, so it was hard at first to feel like it was Christmas. We got up and opened our gifts, then Adam made a wonderful Christmas breakfast. Although we both missed being with our families, it was nice to just lazy about and enjoy our beautiful son for awhile. In the afternoon we went over to Greg and Craig's place and helped to cook an awesome Christmas feast! Emery was a jewel. He didn't do his evening fussy thing too much and I got to hang out with adults without a kid attached to my hip the whole time! The day was a great success that left Adam and I thinking about all of the Christmas holiday traditions we can start with Emery.

New Year's was good for us as well. I worked on New Year's Eve and came home to a clean house and the demand that I take a nap (this really scored points, as any new mom will attest!). Adam then went shopping for the ingredients of an awesome dinner, scallop salad and lobster. I had never really had lobster before, so this was a treat. I must admit though, I'm not sure I'll ever be a lobster aficionado. I am so used to being disconnected from the meat I eat. I mean, I know I'm eating cow whenever I eat beef but it's not like I'm eating it directly from the slautered carcass in front of me either. And it didn't help to know that it was still alive when it was thrown into the pot. Surprisingly enough this bother me as well. Being in the sciences I have had to become more accustomed to the euthenization of animals, I've seen my fair share of mouse carcases. But this felt more like a desection from physiology class, only this time I ate the specimen. I'll be honest, I was a little grossed out by the whole experience. But that didn't stop me from sucking the meat out of its little stick legs- I was a real trooper I tell you!! I do admit that I like the taste of lobster, but I'll be just fine enjoying it in other dishes in the future. I don't need to be looking at the carcass while I'm eating it, having it's beedy little eyes staring me down the whole time!

Anyway, the rest of the night was a success. We rented movies but didn't get very far with those. One thing people don't warn new parents of is the fact that watching a movie all the way through-without interruption- becomes a very rare treasure. I don't know how long this lasts, but I'm guessing quite a long time. Oh well, its a fair trade-off anyway. Emery is way more interesting to me than anything on the tv, that's for sure!

Well its booby time for Emery- better go! Best wishes for a new year that's sure to be better than the last! :)


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