The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

5 months!!

Finally got a few minutes for a quick update! Things are going really good here in the Toothaker-Murri family. Adam got laid off and is now at home with Emery full time. It's been pretty great all around I think, but it's been especially nice for me. Adam brings Emery to my work at least once a day so that I can nurse him and my milk production is finally increasing again. I get to get back to a 5 day work week this week and I am soooooo excited to get TWO WHOLE DAYS OFF!!! Not that it was really that bad before, Adam and Emery would come with me on the weekends so that I could feed him before they treked down to the Market to get produce for the week. I actually kinda like working the weekends when no one is there, but I really miss having 2 days off in a row. And even though the new building that my work is in is nice and pretty, I'm still getting sick of looking at it. So, even though this lay-off thing is a quick fix, I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts!

I finally found the stats on Emery's last doctors visit. He weighed 16lb 9oz and was 26 inches long. And that was a month ago! I swear he weighs at least 19 pounds now! Grandma Ann says he's built like a brick and I must agree! We haven't started him on solids yet, but we will very soon! Adam has had to supplement with formula a bit to stretch out my expressed milk supply, but now that my milk supply has increased and he's coming for lunch I think we can phase that out again. And he's back to sleeping through the night- yippee! Our son is so great!

Emery has started rolling everywhere. The other night I put him down in his crib for the night and when I went back in to check on him he was at the other end of the crib facing the other direction! The days of his immobility are almost over, and I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts. He's already so inquisitive, I know he's going to be into everything all of the time. We've started thinking about all the baby proofing we need to do and will get on it in the next couple of weeks.

Adam's play ends this weekend. It was a great run and got some great reviews. I'm excited to get him back on the weekends, and even more excited to kiss his clean shaven cheeks!! Not sure what or when the next play will be but I'm sure he won't be free for long, he gets ansy when he's not doing something related to theatre. Stay tuned!

As for me, I get my hair cut tomorrow for the first time in a year and a half and I'm sooo excited! I hate my long hair! I feel frumpy and I can't do anything with it but put it in a ponytail. I'm going to feel like a new woman! And Emery won't be able to grab it all of the time- BONUS!!

Uncle Jeff is coming for a quick visit this weekend and is going to be amazed at how much his little nephew has grown! We have a great home for visitors now so it's always nice to have people visit. So if any of you are thinking about it, please come :)!


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