The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Sunday, June 02, 2013

keep in sink-sort of

alright so here it is quite possibly the most important photo that emery will ever take in his life!!!! its his first record purchase along with cd. the band is deeps sea diver, album history speaks for the record and pickwick cant talk medicine for the cd. we went to the treefort music festival this year to make these purchases along with some fantastic company.

so what can i say about emery that you might not already know. like he's a great kid and next year is the 3rd grade and he is just plain awesome. we're having a great year this year so far and i am beginning to learn about myself through my child. the best quality that i think emery is developing is his sense of compassion. if you tell emery something in an honest direct way about this or that he finds the compassionate view point without any ego maybe a little id, but i kid.(bad yes it was) emery like every kid has his struggles and his triumphs. while myself as dad continually ask the question if i am doing enough. the answer is usually no i can be doing more and more and more and more who needs sleep because right now as i work when i get done i will spoil the shit out of my child.

soccer is emery's sport and he's really good at it. sort of natural. randomly he'll start dribbling and doing little odd soccer related things without thinking "oh this is a soccer thing". but what i would like to say is that emery in the last recent few months has had some really good people come into his life. the positive kind that make you really appreciate the way they are with your child. little efforts become enormously appreciated and they humble me as a father. maybe the way they might get you to communicate with your child better(i.e. me with emery) but there is also the value in letting your child develop their own relationships with adults close to you, that you can trust be that family or friends. i realize that as emery gets older there might be a thing or two he may not be able to talk to me about. i would like to think we could have a free flow of information, but in the just in case cause that one day there is that one thing that he might need another adult and that other adult will be able to say to me, 'emery needs to keep it between us.' i am grateful those people are out there for him. like that time my sister had my high school girlfriend help her buy beer asking her(crystal) not to let me know. trust its a good thing to have


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