The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Friday, January 07, 2005

Is is 12 weeks already?!?!

Well, the holidays are over and we're beginning to get used to our new schedule now. I work from 6am to 12:45 while Adam plays Mr. Mom, then we switch and he works from 1:00 pm to 6:30. So far it's working out pretty well. Adam loves his morning time with Emery (as I knew he would, it's Emery's cutest time and I miss it dearly). I do not love getting up at 4:30 to get to work on time, but Adam has made it easier by getting up with me and making coffee and a morning smoothie while I nurse. And I have to admit I do enjoy getting a few hours of work in before anyone else is in, and leaving in the early afternoon is a treat! I have been much more efficient and have actually been able to get as much done now as I used to when I was here a full 8 hours. I still have to come in on Saturday or Sunday to make up the hours I missed during the week, but so far it's been alright. I used to regularly come in on the weekend anyway to get a jump on the week so it hasn't been much of a shock, and I get to sleep in so it's not so bad.

We've started tracking Emery's sleep schedule so that we can see about getting him on somewhat of a regular schedule when he's old enough. I'm very excited that he's going to be 3 months old soon since that's when they say he's old enough to begin sleeping through the night. He already does okay, half of the time I don't need to get up at all and get a whole 5 or 6 hours of sleep in one stretch. The other half of the time he still wants his 3am feeding, which sucks! Just as I get back to sleep my alarm goes off. So I try to nap in the afternoon with him. Of course he has decided this week that he no longer wants the afternoon nap and it has been a battle of the wills between the two of us. If he doesn't nap then he's fussy and cranky all evening (or should I say we're both fussy and cranky). So I try in vain to get him to sleep as he fights like hell to stay awake. The swing is a godsend. If I can get him to fall asleep in that thing I can determine how long I want him to nap. It's great to watch him try to wake up in it. He'll try to keep his eyes open but the motion makes it impossible and bam!- he's right back out. Then I can nap and get a shower, its just marvelous! But the kid's smart, he's figured out my plan and now won't have anything to do with the swing. Foiled again!

Anyway, Adam and I are very excited to move into our new place. We will start packing this weekend for the big event. Adam's parents and brother are coming to town to help which is just so cool! And my mom will be here next week as well to help move and get the place set up. She's the super decorator and Adam and I are happy let her go hog wild! I just can't wait until it's all done and I can get a whole extra 20 minutes to sleep in the morning!

I haven't taken any new pictures to post lately but I'll try to get on it and post some more very soon! Tootles!!


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