The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Still trying to post pictures!

Alright, I've had it. Hello (the program which uploads the pictures to the blog) still isn't working for me. After I don't know how many reinstalls I am giving up on it for now, but am still determined for all of you out there to see the newest pics of my beautiful son. I uploaded some photos that all of you may view through snapfish, just follow the link-

Emery had his 4 month well baby check this week. He weighed in at 17lb 9oz and is 26 inches long now. Dr McKee said he looked great and that our child does not have a flat head and would not have to be a "helmet baby". I was glad to hear it, now maybe Adam will stop obsessing about it :)!! Emery also got his 2nd round of shots and took it like a champ. Two pokes in one leg and three in the other and he didn't even cry for a full minute. By the time we got home he was back to his smiley gooing self- what a champ!

As for Mom and Dad, well things have been hectic for both of us. Adam's latest play started last night. He's playing Oblonsky in a rendition of Tolstoy's Anna Karenin. I just read the book myself while I was pregnant and am excited to see it! I've been super busy with work, kid and house stuff. I have been so busy in fact that I hadn't even noticed that I had lost all my pregnancy weight and now fit into all of my clothes again. Yesterday I finally fished out all my "skinny clothes" and all of a sudden have a whole new wardrobe!

In other news, the house is almost finished :)!! My mom came for a week and helped to get the last big things done to make the place feel "finished". Adam and I's bedroom still isn't done, but I just don't care anymore. It will get done when it gets done and I'm in no hurry, I'm sick of unpacking and organizing for now! The place really is beginning to feel like home though, we love it.

One more thing. To all of you who I haven't called back, I'm sorry!! It's not that I don't want to, I just never have the time! And when I do it's at say, 5:30 am and I seriously doubt any of you really want to hear from me then. Also I have been going way over on my minutes so I'm trying to keep that in check. Anyway, please forgive me!!!

That's all for now- take care everyone!!


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