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Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, October 14, 2004

38 weeks, 6 days

Not much to tell today, still no kid of course. I've been battling nausea again which is making me a little cranky. The bus is becoming a problem again, and there are smells at work that are reminding me of the smell of my new car in the first trimester-nasty. Lately at work I've had to spend long hours in dark rooms on the microscope or on the computer and it's starting to get to me as well. I try to take frequent breaks, but it's not helping much at this point. I hope this is just a passing thing and I don't have to deal with this nausea until I finally give birth. However, I have a feeling it's going to stick around- LAME. I'm going to get off the computer now before it makes me ill. Nine more days 'til D-DAY....


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