The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Sunday, May 29, 2005

7 months old today!

Man, I can barely believe how fast time is flying and how quickly Emery is changing! He's not just my little baby anymore, he's a little man! Since I last wrote Emery got his first full blown cold. I felt sooo bad, he wasn't sleeping because he wasn't feeling well. He's better now thank goodness, although we're still battling a forever running nose. Poor Adam got it too, although thankfully he got over it faster than Emery and I did. We're all happy the sickies are over and life is back to normal in the Toothaker-Murri household once again.

Adam and I went to the Sasquatch music festival at the Gorge yesterday and had a blast even though it was difficult leaving the babe with Grandma Billie. Adam finally got to see the Pixies which of course ROCKED!! My own personal favorite show of the day was the Arcade Fire. They were so good! They're my new favorite band and they put on one hell of a show! So much energy! I especially loved the Napoleon Dynamite looking red head that played the accordian, bass and keyboard- but they were all pretty damn cute :)!

Adam and I caravaned with Laura and Brian and got to hang out with some friends from Boise- Joe, Elyse and Chad. It was great to hang out with a Boise crowd again :)! We also saw Greg and Craig, Shelly and April. Even with the thousands of people there, and no cell phone, I managed to see everyone I wanted. It was hotter than hell but well worth it! The only time I was in danger of having a bad time occured while Adam and I were waiting in line at the beer counter and this woman was in line right in front of us with her 6 month old son. The poor little guy was hot and tired and I wanted to yell at his mom and say "What in the hell are you thinking to bring your baby to a 12 hour music festival in 90+ degree heat with no shade?!? And shouldn't you be attending to your poor cranky son instead of standing in line for a beer?!?" Instead I was perfectly nice to her and tried to distract the poor little guy for awhile. But the whole episode was horrible! I couldn't stop thinking about how much I missed Emery. And I knew I would start leaking milk everywhere if he started to cry. By the end of it I just had to turn my back and act like they weren't there. Luckily, a couple more ice cold beers helped me to get back on track and enjoy the show again.

The next morning we bee-lined it home to see the kid. Of coarse he barely knew we were gone. But he had a great time with Grandma Billie, so everything worked out just as it should!

In other news, we're still figuring out the specifics on the whole Boise Fourth of July trip. So far we're planning on a potluck BBQ at Kara and Mike's new place on the 1st. On Saturday we're all going to Robie Creek, so all you campers be ready!! And on Monday the fourth there is going to be a get together at my Mom's place. So hopefully everyone can make at least one (if not more) of these events and meet our little monkey. I'll post more specifics when I get them. Hope to see everyone- the more the merrier:)!!


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