The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Emery's College Savings Plan

Okay so I finally gave up on finding the stupid forms to send in with contributions to Emery's college fund. So, for anyone who would like to contribute, simply call this number- 1(877)338-4646 and you can make a contribution over the phone. Emery's account number is #2031493. I think that should work anyway! If I ever get my hands on that form again I'll get it posted as well.

Emery had his 6 month check up today. He is now 28 inches long (86%) and 18 lbs 8 oz (57%). Both Adam and I can't believe he's only gained 2 pounds since his last visit, there must be something wrong with that scale!! The poor guy got another set of shots, but again took them like a champ. This time he cried until I was able to pick him up, then he spotted the nurse and gave her a dirty look and a couple of yells as if to say "YOU! You hurt me! I will no longer bless you with my beautiful smile- humf!" At least he knew where the blame should be placed! He's doing just fine now though, out for the night.

Speaking of night, I hope he sleeps through the night. He had been sooo good about it, then about a week and a half ago he started wanting the 3:30 boob again. No problem, I figured it was a phase that he'd get through and go back to the perfect-baby-sleeping-through-the-night again. But the last few nights he's woke up about every 3 hours. I'm sure it's because of his teething, he tosses and turns until he finally wakes up. But I don't do well on 2 1/2 blocks of 3 hours of sleep at night. I am totally wiped out! The house is a disaster and I'm too tired to care. Please, please Son, give your poor Mom a break and sleep well tonight...


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