The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Saturday, October 23, 2004

40 weeks, 1 day

Adam, Mom and I walked all around Capitol Hill today in the hopes of getting things going, but no dice. The wait continues...

In the meantime, here's a current roster of all of the team members that are a part of "Team Emery"-

Greg Hubbell & Craig Couch- early labor photographers and providers of up-to-date labor commentary
Laura Heath- chauffer & gofer gal
Kara Ferguson, AKA "Auntie Kara"- labor & Mommy support
Billie Kliewer, AKA "Grandma Billie"- labor and early baby support
Jeff & Anne Toothaker, AKA "Grandpa Jeff & Grannie Annie"- official Emery welcoming party
Adam Toothaker, AKA "Daddy"- labor partner & new daddy duties (ie- changing diapers, spoiling Mommy, etc.)
Carrie Murri, AKA "Mommy"- well, we all know what I have to do...shoot the kid out as quickly and painlessly as possible!

Thanks to all in advance, you're all helping to make Emery's entry into the world very special!!

Well, dinner's ready- time to feed the kid! Bye for now!


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