The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

39 weeks, 4 days

Hi all! Sorry I didn't write last night, I completely spaced it. My mom's beloved bunny, Bugsy, passed away yesterday so I spent most of the evening consoling my mom and best friend Kara (who has been taking care of Bugsy) over the loss. We are all very saddned by his departure, he was a very cool rabbit. I don't think he thought he was a rabbit, he would antagonize my mom's cat incessantly to get him to play. They would chase each other all over the house, and make a ruckus with the stratching of their claws on the hardwood floors. One of his favorite spots was to sit on the kitchen chair and stare out the window as if he was waiting for someone, it was so cute! I tried to get a good picture of it but the best I could do was what you see above.

Anyway, I of course have still not had the kid. Had a couple light Braxton Hicks last night but nothing to warrant any special attention. I am still convinced that nothing is going to happen until at least next week, although I have told Emery that Thursday would be a great day for a birthday- we'll see if he listened or not. Didn't sleep for shit last night so I decided to take the day off work inspite of an experiment that really should be done today.... oh well, I've been trying to work out the kinks of this experiment for months with no luck so I'm sure if it doesn't get done today I won't be set back much. I just need some rest...


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