The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Happy birthday Craig!!

Last Sunday was Craig's birthday, so I thought I'd post some pics of the splendid event and wish Craig a formal blogger happy birthday!! It was a beautiful day and we got to hang out on their roof a bit after some super yummy lemon cake and rainbow sherbet, compliments of Greg (what a fine cook he has become, a far cry from the tuna noodle days!!). We had a lovely day, thanks for the invite guys!! That's all for now, I'll be posting some 4th of July updates soon so stay tuned!!

Happy Birthday Craig!

Happy family on the rooftop of Greg and Craig's- it's a full-circle moment (see October blog archive).

Doesn't he look pissed? Actually he was in a pretty good mood! I thought I'd post this one to show that he's not always smiling (just most of the time :) )!

Perfect album cover shot

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Fourth of July weekend, and other updates

There's been a change of plans in our Boise visit plans. Instead of doing the potluck at Kara and Mikes on Friday, we've opted to move it to Sunday and have it in a park. That way it will be easier for families to attend, and we'll have a playground at our disposal. At this point we're thinking of doing it at Elm Grove Park at around 3 or 4 o'clock. I hope this makes it easier for everyone to attend! I want to get out an evite, but I need email addresses! I am specifically on the lookout for emails for Deana, Lisa Peters, Elyse, and Bart or Faith. If any of you out there have these, could someone email them to me? Anyway, the details haven't quite been worked out yet so if anyone has an idea about the where and when please let me know. Can't wait to see everyone:)!!

We did a major rearranging of our place this weekend in order to get the place more crawling kid friendly. Emery now has our old room, and we now sleep in his old room. Of course his old room is still mostly his, its a great play area for him. We just use it to sleep at night. It's working out pretty well so far!

Emery is officially a kid on the go as of this week. He can now get from is play area to the other side of the kitchen in no time if he so wishes. And of course he manages to find the one remaining kid hazard in any room and goes directly for it. Forget the toys, he's only interested in electrical cords or pulling on something that can fall on top of him. Not surprising I guess, I'm getting kind of bored with his toys too.

He's also started doing this cute thing during his feedings where he scrunches up his nose and snorts wildly with this big grin on his face. It's hilarious! I hope I can get some video of it, its just too adorable not to have a record of! Other super cute things he's doing lately are planting slobbery open mouth kisses on the cheek, biting the nose (much less cute now that he's got teeth- ouch!), and giving shoulder hugs were he buries his head into my collarbone. The kid knows how to work it!

That's all for now!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

More Sam pics

Here's some more fabulous pictures taken by Sam during her visit. I found more camping pics as well, enjoy!

Sam's visit here has been great. She's got to spend alot of time with Emery, and we got to know each other a bit better too! We had fun ganging up on Adam :). And as far as Emery's development is concerned she came at a great time too. In the time since she's been here he has been holding himself up more solidly for longer periods of time and now makes the transition from sitting to laying on his stomach much more gracefully. He's getting really good at the army crawl and can get from one room to another if he so desires- scary! Needless to say we're rearranging and childproofing this weekend. Yesterday I went in to get him out of his crib and he was on his hands and knees looking up at me smiling proudly as if to say "Look at what I'm doing Mom!". Then he got too excited and collapsed into a fit of kicking arms and legs and squealed wildly. Too cute! Anyway, I am confident that full fledged crawling is just around the corner- stay tuned!

As for the Boise trip, we will be there from Thursday June 30th through the 8th of July. Everyone is invited to Robie Creek for a fun filled campout on Saturday the 2nd!! Let me know if you can make it, we're trying to get a head count (you can email me at Come one come all, it will be a great time!

Alright, that's all for now :)!

Here's a run of pics of Emery doing his super cute I love the camera thing. How can you not take a billion pics? Posted by Hello

Chewing on his favorite toy.. Posted by Hello

Look at those teeth! Posted by Hello

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This picuture freaked us all out. Who is this baby?!? It's like someone abducted our kid and replaced him with with a look-alike who's way older. Wierd... Posted by Hello

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Odin diving for a stick. Posted by Hello

Auntie and nephew havin' fun with the camera. Posted by Hello

Allen arrives! Posted by Hello

Emery and Great Uncle Allen, I love this pic! Posted by Hello

Makin' dinner. Posted by Hello

Lunch at Broadway Market with Emery, homie. Posted by Hello

Sam's camping pics

Here's some more pics of our camping trip from Sam. We had a great time, even though it did rain all Sunday morning. Emery got the chance to get to know Aunt Sam better and met Great Uncle Allen too! He did just great on his first camping trip. Sleeping was a bit of an issue, but we worked through it. We had him sleeping with us the first night, but I don't think he liked having the blankets over him and he couldn't turn over easily so he woke up pissed off alot. The next night we went for plan B, set up the playpen in the van and dressed him exta warm for the night. Once he finally fell asleep (a bit of a problem since he was WAY over stimulated) he slept like a champ. Anyway, the weekend was a great success and I'm busy trying to decide when we can go again!!

Emery ready for his first van ride and camping trip extravaganza. Odin did a great job as Emery's guardian, it was very cute! Posted by Hello

This look was actually a response to the fact that the van started on the first try (insert macho "YEAH" here).  Posted by Hello

Enjoying a leg stretchin' at the rest stop on our way to Nacen Creek. Posted by Hello

Mom and babe. Posted by Hello

First baby food from a jar. We decided we liked our steamed and grinded product much better, but it sufficed for camping at least! Posted by Hello