The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Finally an update!

Yes, I know its been a long time since I've gotten around to the blog to do an update- sorry!! I know people have been anxiously waiting and I will try very hard to be better in the future I promise! Pictures have been increasingly difficult to get of the guy since his fasination with the camera has increased, but I'll do my best. For now enjoy some pics taken over the last couple of months, Christmas included. I'm still waiting on some pics from Grandpa Toothaker of Thanksgiving to post- ah em. As soon as I get those I'll post them as well.

For now I'll just do a quick Emery update. Today he had his first official haircut, in place of the hack job my mother has given him previously. I was warned that if I didn't get him a real one this weekend that she may not be able to help herself in the days to follow, so I succumbed and took him in for his first tramatic hair cutting experience. Actually he did pretty well, but by the end he was pissed and nothing was going to make it better. Hopefully he'll forget how awful it was by the next time I have to take him in.

Lets see, what other great things has he been doing? Well, he's got really good at figuring out what I don't want him to do so that he can try to push my buttons when he feels like I'm not giving him enough attention. Currently his favorites are: shaking the floor lamp wildly, picking the leaves off of my plants, getting into the oven and dishwasher and my personal favorite, getting into the toilet and playing in the water. I try not to give him the attention he is seeking when he does these things but I can't exactly just let him do them either. Sometimes if its not life threatening I simply walk away and he stops and runs after me which works great, but I can't always use this approach. It must be time to do some more household rearranging....

Adam has been taking him out in the afternoons to the Art Museum, Library and around town to eat where our friend's work. He's getting some great time to interact with other kids and apparently is showing even more just how smart he is. And of course he's charming everyone as usual. He's added this little head cock to the super cute smile routine which is just too much! Everyone wants to take him home with them, and more than one parent has stated that he was cuter than thier kids ever were- no joke. Yes, I'm very proud. But he's mine and ya'll can't have him so there!!

Here's my cute Emery story for the week. I've been teaching Emery about hot food the past few weeks. When his food is hot I say, "Your food is hot, we need to cool it off first." then I blow on it. The last week he's been joining in and helping me blow on it to get it cool. Tonight I was baking myself a pot pie for dinner and Emery saw me check it in the oven to see if it was ready. So, of course he wanted to get into the oven and see what was going on, but I said "No, no. The oven is hot honey, don't touch." So he starts to blow on the oven to cool it off. Awesome kid, what can I say?

Opening gifts at Grandma Billie's with Uncle Jeff and the rest of the family. Posted by Picasa

Emery's first official haircut, how handsome! Posted by Picasa

Yep, Emery made out the best as far as gifts this year! It was near impossible to get him to open them all Posted by Picasa

I'm trying to keep Emery on the task of opening his remaining gifts, but the mower was too big of a hit! Posted by Picasa

Cousin's DeeDee and Nina tried to help keep Emery on the gift unwrapping task too. Here we're all distracted I guess. Posted by Picasa

Dad helping Emery with the gift opening. Emery actually did quite well with the first few, but was way more interested in the wrapping than the gifts- go figure! Posted by Picasa

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This is the Santa outfit that Adam's grandmother Toothaker knitted for Emery. It is just adorable on him, don't cha think? Posted by Picasa

Happy Dad and kid on Christmas morning. Posted by Picasa

He's getting better about petting the kitty and not mauling the kitty, although that still happens quite a bit. Poor Chloe, she takes it all in stride these days. Posted by Picasa

Adam calls this his "hipster" wear. Pretty cute I must say! Posted by Picasa

Showing off his cute new sweater that Auntie Kara got him for his birthday. Posted by Picasa

Crisp November day a Camels Back Park. Posted by Picasa

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Imagine Emery walking around like this for 10 minutes at a time.He loves to walk around with squishy plastic objects in his mouth like this all of the time- crazy kid! Posted by Picasa