The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Spring is HERE!!!

I am sooo glad spring is here!! Kinda wierd though, it seemed to go from winter to summer in about 2 weeks, and spring (although technically is here now) seemed almost non-existent. It's in the lower 90s this week and I have to say my Seattle primed body wasn't quite ready for it. But I'm adjusting, and Emery is loving getting to play in the water in the back yard. I really can't believe how much he's grown, it seems like just yesterday when he was too small to climb on the play equipment at he park and now he's all over them- even taking on the big slides BY HIMSELF! It's a little scary actually, I would like him to be a little apprehensive. I see many a trip to the emergency room in my future with my fearless monkey man. Yeah well, what can you do? Enjoy the new pics!

Pointing at the kitty cat and saying "see see see," his most used word. Posted by Picasa

Look at that macho stance, and what a sexy little belly :)! Posted by Picasa

My new favorite picture of my growing little man. Posted by Picasa

Still got the monkey face thing going on, I love that! Posted by Picasa

Trying to put his lawn mower together after disassembling it. Did a pretty good job to, he's a very determined kid. Posted by Picasa

Not a fan of the sprinkler. For some reason it scared him. We'll try again in a couple of weeks after he's forgotten his tramatic experience. Posted by Picasa

He liked the control of playing with the hose much better though, and helped water the flower beds pretty good too. Posted by Picasa

Emery is very good at aiming high, and spraying his mother. Posted by Picasa

LOVING the hose. Posted by Picasa

Insert mom saying "Pleeeze don't lick the pole son- YUCKY!!" Didn't matter, he's a pole lickin' kid- what can ya do.. Posted by Picasa

Insert "RRRAAARRR!!" sound effect here. It's his new thing. Posted by Picasa

Is this really my little monkey? I guess I should start calling him my monstrously big monkey these days! Posted by Picasa

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Easter Pics- finally, I know..

Well, better late than never, right? Things have been crazy here lately and blogging time isn't even on my current looong list of things to do these days. But I was looking at some of my friends' blogs and thought "what the hell, I'll make some time right now." So enjoy!

Finally getting the hang of this Easter egg hunting thang. Posted by Picasa

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Partaking of the goodies inside, cherrios and dried cherries- yumm!! Posted by Picasa

Yea! The egg is opened! Posted by Picasa

Getting frustrated trying to open the egg. This is also the same look he gets when he's poohing sometimes. Man is he going to love me showing this stuff to his girlfriends in highschool- I can't wait :) Posted by Picasa

Grandma trying to help Emery find more eggs, but he really was only interested in opening the one in his hand. Posted by Picasa

Easter Hunt at Grandma Billie's with cousins Nina and DeeDee. Posted by Picasa