The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Another Emery Ah-ha! moment

Okay, so I know that I am constantly saying how smart Emery is, but check out today's discovery- This morning I was doing my usual face washing, getting ready for the day while Emery happily played with his truck on the bathroom floor, when he suddenly he got quite. Every parent knows its trouble when a two year old (or almost) gets quiet. So I quickly washed the soap from my eyes to inspect what was going on, and discovered Emery invesitgating the hoses behind the sink and the toilet. He turned to me with a big grin on his face and said "water!" with great joy and enthusiasm. I was so impressed that he made the connection, to know that was how water got into the toilet and the sink! I don't know when I made that realization, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't before I was two. It's so cool to watch a kid discover the world, it somehow changes your perseption of it as well. That's a good thing :).


Not even two and he already throws better than I(not saying that much, but still...)!! Posted by Picasa

Happy kid! Posted by Picasa

Handing the ball to our neighbor, Johnathan. Posted by Picasa

Posted by Picasa What a cool kid donning The Clash shirt (my favorite). Dad likes to make sure he's a hip dresser!

Album cover shot Posted by Picasa

Crappy picture of me, but check out the cool Peruvian hats Uncle Bobby sent us! We're quite the pair! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Potty training- it's about the little successes....

Okay, so I know its been WAY TO LONG since I've posted an update, but as usual things have been a little crazy. I have been meaning to post a bunch of pictures of Emery's trip to Cleveland, but I just haven't had the time! Thanks to Dad for putting some up...and I'll do my best to get some more up as well (hopefully before the holidays :) ). But I really wanted to post a quick update since we just hit a MONUMENTAL potty training cornerstone. Yep, he pooped in the potty! Last week I caught him on the verge while changing his diaper a couple of times and put him on the potty. He managed to get a pellet out each time. We celebrated his big boy success and made a huge deal with a cerimonial flushing of the blessed specimen. But today he did the full fledged thing! It was a real poop and he was very pleased with himself. Of course I still had to catch him in the act and rush him to the potty, but its a start at least! I've explained that if he let's us know that he has to poop he can poop in the big potty all of the time, but I think that's still a little far off. Still, its a sign that my little guy is growing up! I look at the time ticker at the top of the blog and I still can't believe that he's almost two! Well, that's not necessarily true, he's been acting like he's two for about 4 months now but still it's amazing how time flies by....
I will try to do some more short updates here and there, but for all of you who haven't heard, I have gone back to school so my time for anything but studying and kid time is extremely limited (my motto, you can never have too many degrees. And my second motto, if all else fails, go back to school. Words to live by...). I will do my best to keep things up to date, promise!
That's all for now! Cheers!