The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Monday, February 28, 2005

4 months old and cuter than ever...

I have some super cute new pics of Emery and have tried all weekend to post them on the blog but the program I use to upload them isn't working- arrgghh!! I will keep trying!!! The kid is doing just great, he's smiling and cooing and making googly eyes at his mom and dad all the time. He's trying to turn over but hasn't quite made it yet, but it's only a matter of time! He is much better about supporting himself now, which allows him to smile and talk while he's sitting up instead of the task taking all of his concentration. The move messed up his sleeping pattern a bit but we're getting back to sleeping through the night again- most of the time. In the last week he's found his super high pitched squeal, and loves to use it when he's bored, tired or hungry. I'm sure our upstairs neighbors love it. Ahh, that's what they get for stomping around at 2 in the morning- payback's a bitch I tell ya!!

The new place is great. It has been quite the job getting the place all set up with a little one to lug around all the time, but it's finally coming together! It has never taken me an entire month to unpack a place, and as you all know I am a pro. Both Adam and I have decided that WE WILL NOT BE MOVING AGAIN ANYTIME SOON!!!!! To make things even more exciting, my work has also been in the process of moving. If I never see a moving box again I will be the happiest girl in the entire world!! Adam says that a room full of boxes is what my own version of hell is going to be like. I can see that..... Anyway, the new building my work is in is just beautiful, AND they have free coffee, tea and hot chocolate along with free food 2 days a week. It's pretty cool :)!! And we (we being my fellow lab members) moved without killing each other- another success!! It will be good to get back to the science again though, moving brought all of our experiments to a screetching halt for awhile. Anyway, thanks to all my fellow cowrkers for dealing with a cranky sleep deprived girl for the last couple of weeks :)!!

We LOVE being back up on Capitol Hill. The neighborhood wasn't quite where we wanted to be, but I'm actually glad to be where we are. There is much more going on where we are at, and it's good to live in another part of Capitol Hill for a change. We walk everywhere now, and Emery loves it! He just loves to look around and check out all the people and action going on all around him. Adam and I have worked out a pretty good schedule, he walks with Emery to my work on his way to work, then I walk him back home. The weather has been really nice in Seattle, so it's been nice to be outside.

Now that things have settled a bit I will try to be better about the blogging- promise!!!

Friday, February 04, 2005

3 months already?!?!?

Yes, it's true- Emery Dean has hit the 3 month milestone. I can barely believe it, it seems like just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital! He's as cute as ever (of course), smiling cooing all over the place. At three months his favorite things are much the same, the boobies are still number 1 on his list, with his hands coming in at a close second. He seems to favor his left fist to his right and we all wonder if he's going to turn out to be a lefty. I think its still too early to tell, but I hope he turns out to be a lefty like his mommy! He's getting better motor control over his hands and has started batting at the rattles and toys I put in front of him. And man is he strong! Now that he can see further one of his new favorite things is to sit and check things out. He loves to be in the Snugglie now that he can face away from me and look around. I've taken him to the store a couple of times this way and he's always the perfect baby. It's kind of wierd for me though, everyone all of a sudden is staring at my chest, but wait it's not my chest they are staring at but this unbelievably cute little thing strapped to it!
I must share the most exciting milestone Emery has acheived as of late. He has really begun to like his baths. He coos and smiles and doesn't even get mad when I take him out and put his clothes on anymore. Anyway, last weekend I was bathing him, giving him my usual commentary on what was going to get washed next. His hands are always a great washing priority since he's constantly sucking on them. Since they're always in a fist they get to stinking pretty bad after a day or two. Anyway, I was explaining that his little hands were next because "we have to get the shmuootz out," and the then all of a sudden he giggled! He loves how I say shmootz! So I said it about a million more times and he just giggled and giggled, which of course made me giggle as well. It was just about the cutest darn thing I ever have heard. So of course since then I have said shmootz about a billion more times and I think the novelty has worn off because although I still get a wide toothless smile it no longer elicites the giggles. Maybe he's just into yiddish. I'll learn some more and try it out!

In other family news, we are FINALLY moving. For those of you out there who haven't heard about the whole moving fiasco, I will give a short but not-so-sweet update. We were suppose to move into our new place on the 15th of January. However, after over 2 months the apartment still hadn't been fully remodeled as we had been told so the night before we were to move we decided that it would be impossible for us to live there. We did however find another place that in the end I think will work out better for us. It's way bigger and even has a cat door for Chloe to go in and out. But it wasn't available until the 1st of February, and needed to be totally repainted as well. So the last 3 weeks we have been living out of boxes in our tiny house which has just about drove me f*#$ing crazy!! Luckily Adam's dad had the time to come back to Seattle and painted the whole place for us before we move in. The place looks just fantastic and I can't thank him enough for all he has done. I'll post some before and after pics when I get the chance. So, thank you thank you thank you Jeff- you're the best Dad in-law-but-not-really a wife-but-not-really could ever ask for (sniffle, sniffle)!!!
This will be the last update for a bit because I'm not sure how long it will be before we get back up on the internet at our new place. But I promise once things get a little more settled I will post a bunch of new pics and will write more often. Until then- ciao!
Wait, one more thing. Since I have started this blog some of you out there have jumped on the blogging wagon so to speak and have started some yourselves. This made me very happy, I love checking up on them! However, there haven't been any new postings for MONTHS!! I know you're busy (you know who you are), but man do I want to see some cute new pics and updates!!!! So get on it girlfriends, the official hounding has begun...don't make me email you personally..... :)