The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Sunday, June 25, 2006

letter to greg and craig

hey guys,

how are you? grrr. its been a long time since you've seen emery outside of this blog and well he is still the most amazing, superlative and brilliant child in the whole world. this is of course due to the fact that he has the most amazing, superlative and brilliant mother and father. emery is now a toddler and well baby is long
gone and he is most definaitly a boy.

Mom has taught emery to count to three. he usually does this when he's about to throw something. he says un twwwo, teee and then he moves his hips a little and then launches what ever happens to be in his hands. it makes him tremendously happy. last time, however, he said 'un twwwo teee' and then broke into 'wookin pa nub'. mom also has emery very interested in books and he takes a book to who ever will read to him. rock on mom

dad, me, i've been workin with emery in sign language and swimming. emery has developed a great vocabulary and now he's started to adapt verbal words with the signs. a little while ago i decided to hand emery a wrapped fruit leather. he took it, tried to bite it, then handed it back to me then signed: open, food, and more. i pooped myself. this week in swimming he had a break through with water. he flipped him self onto his belly and started to pull himself around the pool with just his hands. then he would occassionally place his face in the water. this is huge. getting a kid to put their face in the water can take a lot so i am a very proud father that our son has done it on his own.

the other great news in emery's life is he has his fifth cousin. aunt sam and uncle scott had their first child augustus jeffery thielen, born 06/06/06 at 4:05 pm. he and emery look so much a like that aunt sam was
looking at first bath picture of emery and thought i don't remember giving grandma and grandpa that picture of augustus. all right here are some pictures of the worlds greatest toddler and to let you know how smart he is the other day he randomly found the square root of pie. someone had swept it under the rug.