Happy First Birthday!!
Emery's first birthday was a great success! Thanks to all who came and helped to make Emery's big day festive and fun! It was great to have so many kids here for Emery to play with, they were so cute together! We had a couple of cows, a couple of kitty cats, some scary undead, a cheerleader and of course a little fairy tale too! Emery had a fun filled day and was super pooped by the end!
It's so crazy to me that its been a full year already! But its also weird to think that last year at this time I was laying in a hospital bed trying to get that breastfeeding thing down and being in awe of the cutest, sweetest little thing I had ever seen. It's been a crazy year since, but so worth it in every way. I look forward to all of the new milestones I will get to see him conquer in the next year. Go Emery go!!