The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Monday, March 27, 2006

Settled into the new house-yippee!!

Yes, we're finally getting settled into the new place, just in time for Spring! I am very excited for the warm weather to get here, and Emery is loving getting to spend more time outside. I'm so glad we live close to some great parks, and we'll be able to utilize our new backyard as well. Emery is DEFINATLY an outdoor kid, I hate to think about next winter once he's had a taste of what the summers here hold for him. For now though we are enjoying our new spaces very much.

Hmmm, let's see, what's new with Emery these days? Well, he is into balls at the moment. Any kind of ball really, but at the moment a volleyball is his favorite. He wants me to bounce it all the time, and he gets so excited by it that he giggles and snorts and jumps up and down like a crazy man. I'm happy he's moved onto the ball thing, because before that it was the popcorn popper push toy that he had to have me chase him with incessently. I can only chase the kid so many times around the table, ya know? The ball bouncing is a welcome change.

In other news I finally got him into a real pair of shoes! He's been donning the Robez with the leather soles because they are the only shoes I could get over his fat feet. But finally I found some velcro shoes that I had to buy about 2 sizes too large so that I could get his feet inside. He's got about an inch of room in the toe, but they stay on his feet- hurray! At first he hated them and cried when he tried to walk. But I got ones that lit up when he walked so that was enough distraction to get him to give the hard soles a little time. Now he loves them and is constantly trying to put them on. We're both pretty happy about the new shoes now. Well, that's all for now, enjoy the few pics I managed to get of him in the last couple of months!

Trying to make the get away from bathtime. He actually really loves bathtime, but also loves to play the come-get-me game every chance he gets.  Posted by Picasa

Emery loves to try to wear Mommy's shoes! Posted by Picasa

Yeah, he's still cute even with the nast black knot between his eys. It's been a bad week for head gashes. Posted by Picasa

Happy to be out after a long winter! Posted by Picasa

Our new house, we LOVE it!! Posted by Picasa

Ready for the snow! Can you believe this is a 2T suit? I was hoping he would still fit into it next winter but I'm not so sure! Posted by Picasa

Sportin' his super hip Amoeba Records shirt Dad got him last fall. Posted by Picasa

Pics from outing with Dad

I told Adam I would post some pics of his outings with Emery and I finally have a moment to do it- so here they are! Enjoy!

Ready for the road Posted by Picasa

Snug in the bike buggy Posted by Picasa

Having fun checking out the kid's room at the Boise Art Museum Posted by Picasa

Lunch at Gernika with Dad and Aunt Sam Posted by Picasa

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Hangin' with the Gernika boys Posted by Picasa

Loves to be places he shouldn't, in this case behind the bar. He's always known where the good stuff is! Posted by Picasa

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Fun afternoon at the Idaho Historical Museum Posted by Picasa

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Playing the slots already? Posted by Picasa

Loving the board books at the library. I hear he's pretty good at figuring them out already:) Posted by Picasa

Still loves to charm the pretty ladies.. Posted by Picasa

Lunch at Pollo Rey Posted by Picasa

Love the hair Posted by Picasa

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Playing peek a boo with Aunt Sam Posted by Picasa