The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Summer 2006

Summer is in full swing and boy is it hot!! I think we're on day 4 or 5 of 100+ degree days and it is killing me!! Emery doesn't seem to mind much, but he is saying "Hot, hot hot" alot more these days. And boy has he been speaking up a storm. It was funny, he went from pretty much not saying anything at all, then one day he went to the window and said "I see the car!" plain as day. Of course he would just start by speaking in complete sentences because he is a genius child as all of you well know by now! Okay so I embellish, he's not speaking in complete sentences all the time, but a more than a few come out of his mouth these days. I say "Use your words", and he does! Mostly it's "Up" or "Juice" or "Car" or "Truck"or my new favorite, when he's done with his meal I say "Are you all done?" and he replies "All done!". The coolest thing he has said of late though was a mimick of me saying "Good Times!" (mine of the sarcastic nature, his true to the actual words...).

Other new developments in Emery world, we have some new roomates. McKenna, who is 7 months older than Emery, and her Mom Alana moved in at the end of June. It has been wonderful for Emery to have a constant playmate. He ADORES McKenna and it is soooo cute!! At first he was so star-struck with her that he would just gawk at her and watch her every move, but now she's old hat. In the beginning they were both great about the sharing thing. Emery would give her something, then she would give him something back in kind. That's come to an end, McKenna is getting more into having everything that Emery wants and its only going to be a matter of time before he gets sick of letting her have everything. Hopefully it won't be the battle I think it might be.... Anyway, I have been planning on getting some pictures of the two together but it hasn't happened yet, I will try to get on that soon!

Well, that's all for now...enjoy the new pics!!

For some reason this picture reminds me of Mike Stivers, is it just me?? Posted by Picasa

My awesome bow-legged punk rock kid!! Posted by Picasa

Emery struttin' his punk rockedness for Auntie Kara and Uncle Bobby! Posted by Picasa

Having a great time with Uncle Bobby! Posted by Picasa

We've been spending a good amount of time at Sandy Point to keep out of the heat, Emery has a great time digging in the sand and watching the other kids play. Posted by Picasa

Helping to keep the air matress from floating away, what a great helper my little guy is. Posted by Picasa

Action photo... Posted by Picasa

Love that cheezy smile! Posted by Picasa