Happy New Year!
Okay, so this is the LAST of the holiday pics that I have. Should have posted these Santa pics sooner, but I kinda misplaced the camera card.... Well, better late than never!! I also have posted some pics of Emery's playroom that I finally finished, for the most part. It's fun to hang out in, for the both of us.
Emery is definately two these days. He's a great kid for the most part, but when he wants something that he can't have- watch out!! I used to be able to explain to him why he can't have it or that he could have after we did this or that and I was proud of the fact that I could reason with him effectively. Yeah well, that's out the window. If he wants it, he wants it and that is that. He doesn't care that he can have some cranberries after dinner or that I can't hold James the tank engine while making dinner. Reasoning has gone out the window. So I have resorted to trying to explain, then letting him throw his tantrum for a bit before redirecting him to something else. I tried the quick redirection to avoid the tantrum but he is much too willfull and determined for that. Boy I can't wait for the tantrum in the grocery or department store experience which I know is just around the corner. In my pre-kid days I would watch these children and their parents and think, "How can they let their kid act that way! That would never fly with my child!" Let's just say I have a whole new understanding of the situation... Not that I would let Emery get away with half of the things I see in public, but still... Anyway, it is evident that I will have to be the bad guy who doesn't give him everything he wants whenever he wants, and hopefully later in life he will learn to thank me for it.