Third birthday- already?
I can barely believe our little guy is three already!! Alas, here are the pictures from his first kid birthday party. It was at Planet Kid and I believe that a good time was had by all! I posted the few pictures I have and was promised a CD from Grandpa Toothaker which will include Halloween pictures as well. I am very excited for it since I had to work on Halloween and didn't get to see my little man all dressed up.
Things are going very well in our world as of late. I am finally finished up with school, my registry exam (I'm now an official Medical Technologist thank you very much) and am looking forward to getting more time with Emery. We are both very excited about that. He's the only three year old that understands what patience is and can actually exhibit it, within reason. He's still very three. But everyday he says and/or does something that flat amazes and/or amuses me. Like when we are talking and he stops, puts his finger to his chin and says "Hmmmm, very interesting..." Pretty cool.