Christmas pictures, finally....
I may be months behind, but I do eventually get the job done. Emery and I had a great Christmas! This was the first year that he really knew enough to anticipate and get REALLY excited about Christmas. Every day it was "Mom, is it Christmas yet??". And he's still young enough not to be disappointed by not getting something and didn't suffer from the post Christmas come down.
As of late he's been mastering the art of potty training. I thought he'd never want to stop shitting his pants. Thank GAWD he's realized that pooping in the potty is much cooler. We still have our accidents, but for the most part he's good to go- SWEET!!!
Let's see, other cool new Emery things- he has started to approach me with "Mom, I want to discuss something with you." Our "discussions" are mostly him attempting to negotiate getting to buy a new toy or going to the park in lou of taking a nap. Things like that. He's also been tugging at the heartstrings with the I love yous, but has added in a running start to kiss and knock me over with it. Yes, he knows how to work it. He's also quite the drama queen. The world crumbles down around him on a daily basis. My mother says that I was exactly the same way when I was his age, but I am sure that can't be true. Me, a drama queen? Never! Besides, the theatrics should rightfully come from Dad's side right? Who has the MFA in theater anyway? :)
Well, that's all for now. I will start taking and posting some pictures as soon as it finally starts getting nice and springlike here. This Spring has been reminiscent of Seattle springtimes where it seems to take forever to get decent outside. Except for the snow in April which is just WRONG. Hopefully it will get nice out soon so I will get the motivation needed to get out and work in the yard. It's definitely time for it!!!