summer time is boise
hello this is dad here to update on the latest info. sorry for being so slow on the blog. in my defense for a while i didn't have a computer; however, now i do and it is at this point most who know me grab the wipes.
emery is great. two homes, two parents who kick ass and he's always smiling. recently i learned a new parental phrase for boys: 'the fearsome fours'. the count down is on. right now emery is hyperactively gentle. he loves to smell flowers and smash bugs. he also has developed a mantra, 'i am going to buy that' so of course we're working on the resume. right now the main event is 95% potty trained (there are the occasional accidents but who doesn't have those through out life.) other happenings in emery's life on this end is he has a best friend named logan and a girlfriend named vivian (his words) both of which he says he loves, 'i love them'.
good story: so one day we were at vivian's and emery and vivian were playing while we the parents were talking in the kitchen. emery and vivian started to do that little kid bicker that happens so we the parents swooped in for 'conflict resolution'. i pulled emery aside and asked what was going on, 'what's the problem dude'? sheepishly emery shrugged his shoulders and defeatedly said, "i don't know dad. i am just trying to make her happy."
so emery and i have been having a blast, dad is the worlds best name or title what have you and i have found the advantage of the two parent home. i can maximize my time with emery and give him all of my attention. it's great, involves a lot of preplanning and preparations but i am good at that. the only thing that has proven somewhat hard is adapting to the growth and graduation. just as soon as i am in a good rhythm emery is on to the next. my keys for success are to try and stay two maybe twenty steps ahead and remain consistent in what we do.
our activities are: bar gernika, the ymca, the zoo, the park, donnelley and the cabin. in the winter as i said we go to the snow and in the summer its the water(boise is HOT!!!!).
this last winter emery became an accomplished skier with the edgy wedgey(sp?). from this came one of the coolest things that emery has said to date, "ok dad i will meet you at the bottom." as we unloaded off the chairlift. watching emery ski on his own for the first time was sooo incredible, "look at me i am going fast". at the bottom of the bunny hill i had a huge hug and smile for him. we were the only ones on the mountain for a brief moment. at this point i should mention that the strongest kick from reality that i have yet to receive came from emery when he said, "dad i want to be just like you." wow and heavy. now i am hyper aware with what i do. everything now has this latent thought of, 'would i want emery doing this?' then i realize that i do things that my parents have no idea of and emery is going to do the same.
now i am going to try and post some pictures. before i do i will give you an update about me. i am back in school working towards a BAS and AAS in horticulture. my long term goal is a masters degree in landscape architecture with an emphasis in urban ecological design.(cross your fingers for the UW) i really enjoy it and i have been able to use my previous education in planning this next career move. i accomplished all my goals in theater and after making that my focus for 17 years i can walk away satisfied. if there is one thing that i have learned and learned to accept in these last few years is that everything has a life cycle and the best you can do is to enjoy whatever it is while you can the best that you can. its the recipe for fond memories.