The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

spring is sprung and then recoiled by winter

as emery is getting older the idea of raising emery here rather than seattle is becoming more refreshing and such was the case this last week at camels back park, which we went to with the scuglia family(the g is only there to confuse you and has no pronunciation value what so ever).
it was the first really true day of sun and warmth here in boise and EVERYONE decided that camels back was the place to be, and let me point out that people come here to raise their kids from all over. you would be absolutely hard pressed to find a more ideal place. this day at the park was more packed than the idaho state fair to a mild point of being somewhat unnerving. we did get to fly kites as you see from the photos, become exhausted from the first real dose of sun, which, ironically or coincidentally burns patience like it burns the skin.
back to raising kids. in boise, as an adult,  you begin to realize from those things that you don't see as an idealistic new parent who is going to parent sooooooo much better than the now grandparents. here simply there is less to worry about, you can just let your kid go run, the network of other parents, and the friends that your child makes will last a lifetime. without seeming to get stuck in the rear view mirror of life. i grew up here i still have friends from before preschool, preschool and all the way up to my graduation from boise high(go braves). the other advantage was the surrogate parents that i had. they say same things your parents did but from them it makes sense. these things emery has and will have and you couldn't ask for more.
 i just bought his first pair of low top chucks, check em out, they're lace ups and he looks so much older. he is definitely four and full of energy, lots and lots of energy. because of emery's new found energy level this summer is going to be spent at the cabin. there he will be able to run up and down hills to his little hearts content. my friend cathy the other day described emery as a labrador, when she did that it all made sense to me. now i know what i must do and that is get something emery will be willing to continual retrieve for the next few years.