The amazing growth of Emery Dean Toothaker!
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Monday, November 22, 2004

We're moving!!

Yep- we're officially moving again! We happened into a deal we couldn't pass up! The place is back on Capitol Hill, less than a block away from our old address! In fact, if our old place were still standing, we could look at it through the kitchen window of our new place! Its a 1000 sq ft 1 bedroom with a dining room that Adam & I will use as our bedroom. It has more storage, a washer & dryer, dishwasher and a gas stove. And we are super excited to get back to our old neighborhood! It is being remodeled as we speak and will be ready for us to move in in mid-January. Here's some pics of the new place, and a couple of Emery and Uncle Jeff who came to visit last weekend...

WASHER & DRYER !!!!! So happy for these!! Posted by Hello

Another shot of Emery's room from opposite direction Posted by Hello

Shot of Emery's room which leads into a small hallway that has old shelves and drawers for storage, then to the dining room that will be basically Adam's and my room, and eventually into the living room and kitchen that is in the front of the apartment.  Posted by Hello

Bathroom- note the CLAWFOOT TUB... I've always wanted to live in a place with one of those!! :) Posted by Hello

Our living room. Hardwood floors- yea!! Posted by Hello

Shot of the kitchen as you walk in. I am sooo excited about the gas stove and marble counter tops!! Posted by Hello

Our new kitchen...note the DISWASHER, haven't had one of those in years!!! Posted by Hello

Uncle Jeff meets Emery Dean Posted by Hello

Mommy's Little Monster- I especially love the the little monster booties! Posted by Hello

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Proud Daddy who got Emery to sleep for the first time on his own- go Dad go :)!!! Posted by Hello

Mommy & Emery in the super cute shirts that Deana made for us. Dad has one too, but it was dirty- besides, someone had to take the picture! Posted by Hello

Emery update

Hi all! Finally got a chance for a quick Emery update! The kid is as cute as ever! He's been pretty fussy lately... had two days of him only sleeping for about an hour at a time and wanting to feed constantly. At first I was afraid that maybe I wasn't producing enough milk for him, but I think that maybe he's just hit his 3 week growth spurt a little early. He was pretty good last night-after a very fussy evening- and even fell asleep on his own in his crib for the first time ever (making Mommy very happy)!!! He has even slept in his crib today for a nap. Previously we had only had success getting him to sleep in his Baby Papsan (kind of like a bouncer with a vibrate mode that has been a lifesaver- thanks again Shelley!!!), and I am very happy that he is beginning to take to his crib before he grows out of the Papsan entirely.

He is growing soooo fast! Everyone told be he would, but it is still astonishing. The outfit he was brought home in is almost too small, and some of the sleepers that were a little too big a week and a half ago are now just a little too small. It's just crazy!!

Well, that's all for now- the kid is waking up!

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Another family favorite... :) Posted by Hello

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Just before Grandma had to leave to catch her plane...I was a bit worried she wasn't going to give the babe up !! Posted by Hello

Bathtime with Grandma Billie Posted by Hello

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Drunk on Mommy's milk, nector of the Gods Posted by Hello

Breastfeeding...finally a success! Posted by Hello

Two Weeks Old!

Finally got another chance to post. It is amazing to me just how much time such a little being takes up- especially considering he spends most of his time sleeping! Things are going well though, we're getting into somewhat of a routine it guess... Here's the routine: he sleeps, I sleep. He wakes up, I change him and give him the boob. In between boobs he shits and I change him again. I give him the other boob, then he projectiles all over the both of us. I change him into new clothes (whereas I just strip out of the soiled articles and put something else on when I get the chance. I need to remember to close the drapes when I do this- one of these days my neighbor is going to get quite the show!) and finish burping him. He shits again. I change him again. I rock him to sleep and things are good for another three hours. Its the endless cycle of peeing, shitting, eating, burping, spitting up and sleeping... ahhh to be an infant!

My mom left yesterday. It was hard for all involved. She is so enamored with her new grandson, she cried all the way home :( . I had my first night without her help and things went pretty well. Adam has stepped up to the plate and got up to help me get him situated at the breast and get me water and stuff- go Dad go! We are adjusting just fine, but I am still missing my mom terribly... She'll be back at New Year's, and we'll be so happy to have her! :)

Emery had his 7-10 day check-up at the doctor's this Wednesday. He's doing very well. He weighed in at 8 lb 11oz, which is awesome considering that he was at 7lb 6oz at his 3 day check-up. He gained over a pound in 8 days! He's a good eater, that's for sure!

Speaking of eating... the breastfeeding is finally going well. It was difficult at first, getting him latched on just right so he didn't blister and crack my nipples. The first days were the worst. With my raging hormones I just cried and fretted about it, thinking that it would never get better. The lactation consultants tell you that you should never hear any sucking sounds when things are right, and whenever I would hear even a peep out of him while he was on the breast I would worry that he was doing more damage to my nipples and soon I wouldn't be able to breastfeed at all. Thanks to Michel, Anne and Heather for their words of support, it made me realize I just needed to chill out!

Well, the kid is fussing for the boob! I'll write more when I get the chance!

Thursday, November 11, 2004

This is one of my favorites... Posted by Hello

Sacked out on Daddy's lap Posted by Hello

Daddy mimicking baby Posted by Hello

Emery's first bath... I'm not sure who got more upset, him or me. He likes his baths now, thank goodness! Posted by Hello

Emery's first swing ride Posted by Hello

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