Just under two weeks left! I will try to start posting an entry everyday from now on to let everyone know how things are progressing. At this point everything is looking a-okay, no serious contractions or anything. In fact, I think Emery is quite content with his life in the womb.
I think its time for the navel piercing to come out. It's been itching like crazy for the last few days, so I think I'm going to go in today and have it removed. I will replace it with some fishing line so that the hole won't close up, then I can put it back in after the baby is born.
I'm still working on how I can upload video to the blog. My digital camera takes video and I thought it would be cool to have some Emery footage to show every now and again. That way everyone can see his first shot at solid foods, first steps, etc. as soon as I can get them on the blog! Unfortunately I haven't found an easy way to do the upload, so I have given in and got my computer intelligent brother Jeff on the case to help me out. He's schooled me in FTP and the software needed to get the job done. I've been giving it a shot, but still no dice. It looks like I will have to FTP the video file onto his site, then create a link from the blog. I am determined to get this to work- so stay tuned!
This week I bought a breast pump for when I have to go back to work. I sourced it through craigslist (for all of you who haven't heard of craigslist, it's a super-great free site for posting all sorts of stuff to buy or sell- I've got some great deals through it!), now all I need to do is buy some replacement parts and figure out how to work the thing! I must admit it looks a little daunting, but I am sure once I figure out how to hook all of the tubes and suction cup thingies up it will work like a charm and be well worth my minimal investment. Wow, who would have thought a year ago that I'd be thinking about things like breast pumps and the rising cost of healthcare? This pregnancy thing has even gotten me more into this presidential election...don't even get me started on that one... :O
Back to the pregnancy- this week was okay. I have been much more tired and sleeping through the night is getting more and more difficult. Yesterday I did a little too much around the house, and my lower back retaliated with a vengeance. So today I am taking it very easy, making Adam cook me breakfast and rub my back. He's been pretty good lately. This week he made sure to rub my feet every night and brought me yummy fruit from the market for lunch when I was feeling under the weather. He's getting some pre-baby anxiety I think, complaining about not sleeping well, waking up in cold sweats, etc. Poor guy. I think it's all becoming a little too real for him, it will be interesting to see how he reacts when it's finally
time. He's been a great coach so far, I think he will do great and keep his freak outs to himself. But it will be fun to hear the stories from my friends and family about his demeanor "behind the scenes" once things calm down a bit!
Adam has started a pool for the due date. So far there's money on the 11th (not gonna happen- sorry Cat!), 14th, 19th (also NOT going to happen), 20th, and 21st of October. If anyone wants in on the pool, its $1- give Adam a call and place your date. I personally feel like he's going to be a week late, but my intiution has never been so great (I however was positive that we were having a boy... so maybe....). Place your bets guys!!
Well, that's all for now. Adam and I are going to go for a little walk, the pregnant woman needs some exercise! Chao!